Thursday, May 5, 2011

Words from you Captain ;)

Dana, I love what you have done! You are such a great team member :) I
am so excited about this too, I can't stop thinking about it actually!
So, I thought it would be neat, if each of us posted on the blog a
little about ourselves, just as a starter :) I can go first and I hope
my fellow "Cookies" will follow. I am an Arizona native. I have 3
children, Jack, who is 3 years old, Taylor, who is also 3, and
Barrett, who is 5 months. I love being a Mom and staying home with my
children. I will confess though, at times I tend to get stuck in Mommy
mode and become reclusive. I hope that you girls with snap me out of
this! I am also a licensed Cosmetologist and love my profession (this
would be a fun girls night!). To make my likes list shorter, basically
I am just a woman at heart. Anything involving cooking, paint, crafts,
beauty, family, laughing and don't forget crying, I am up for it. I
also enjoy trying new things, so feel free to make suggestions. I love
making new friends and can't wait to get to know you girls better!
Have a wonderful day!!

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I
may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."
- Albert Camus


1 comment:

  1. Great Heather! I'm so glad you are on the same team as me! I think you are a very talented woman and fun to hang out with!


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